Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Virtual Magazine

Today I worked on my virtual magazine.  It's a lot of work but I'm loving it. I'm hoping it will reach many people. I still got a long way to go before it's ready but at least it's beginning to look like a magazine website. Once I have it completed I will look at how to make money from it. But for now, I'm just concentrating on laying it out. I have purchased several books and found good information to help build it. Being able to empty my brain after a long day of work helps me to move on to the next day. Again, if anyone has any experience with magazine websites, please let me know. I'm learning all I can from whomever is willing to give me some advice. Thanks in advance.

Monday, April 7, 2008

First Day of My Writing Journey

Today was the first day I spent as a writer. It has been difficult;harder than I thought. I believe my expectations were too high. I thought I would write an article or two and do some blogging. I was able to blog but couldn't come up with a topic to do an article. But tomorrow I will have a different approach and hopefully reach my goal. The one positive thing is I did write. This is very important so all is not lost.

Saturday, April 5, 2008

Learning To Blog

I find blogging to be fun. However, I have a hard time figuring out what to say. I have read that you should write about your interest or things that you think about etc. But I keep thinking no one will find it interesting. But I will just write and not worry about opinions. I want to improve my writing skills and blogging is one way to do it. I like the freedom of writing a blog. Again, you can write about anything and my hardest task will be having things to write about everyday.