Each time I meet someone new, I am positive I'm doing the right thing. Because there are so many wonderful people in Austin and each person that I have come in contact with have so much to give to our community. But it reaffirms everything for me. I love telling someone's story and watching it unfold in print. I just had to share my cool day.
I was suppose to get up early (5:30am) to start my morning because I knew I had to be at my interview at 10:00am. But of course, it didn't happen. I have to work on this. But managing editor and I decided after the interview to take the rest of the day off. So I stopped working around 2pm today. We are still working on finalizing the June issue, but it will be out the first week. I'm excited. I will work some tomorrow and Sunday. My day ended with a phone call from the Trella Foundation. I have been asked to be on the board of the foundation which is the first for me. I am not sure how it will work, but I will learn. I believe in Trella's House and I'm glad to be apart of the foundation. My first board. Wow! I need to pinch myself.
Well, tomorrow's a new day and thanks for reading.
"Embrace Your Community"