Sunday, May 1, 2011

Discovering Damita: Writing My Book

I really enjoyed my day today. I met with a writer who read the introduction to my story and gave me some wonderful feedback. I felt energized to write the novel I have been working on since 2007. It has stayed with me throughout the years but I just didn't know what how to complete it. But now, with speaking to my friend, I see the light and know which way I want to take the characters.

I love writing, it is my way to escape. When I'm not telling someone's story, I like to write fiction and create characters that are opposite of my personality and have them say things that I want to say but never do. It is a wonderful way for me to release many different feelings and thoughts onto the universe.

I am looking forward to sharing my progress with my story and I am looking forward to finishing it because it is time. Thanks Brit!

Damita Shanklin is the Founder/Publisher of Ujima Magazine and the co-host of Ujima TV with Damita and Evelina.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Damita! I am so excited about your book project! OMG! I can't wait to read it. Keep up the great work!

Paige Turna